Four in Korean: 네’s meaning and pronunciation

Four in Korean, 네 meaningFour in Korean is 네. For examples, you can use like [네 마리, 네 명]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 네 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
adjective 네ː

네 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
four Being the number four.


네 마리.
네 명.
four people.
나와 승규, 민준이, 지수, 이렇게 네 명은 어릴 적부터 친했다.
The four of us, Seunggyu, Minjun, and Jisoo, have been close since childhood.
그는 강아지 두 마리, 고양이 두 마리, 총 네 마리의 애완동물을 기른다.
He has two dogs, two cats, a total of four pets.


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