Fruit in Korean: 과일’s meaning and pronunciation

Fruit in Korean, 과일 meaningFruit in Korean is 과일. For examples, you can use like [제철 과일, 과일껍질을 깎다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 과일 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
과일 noun 과ː일

과일 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
fruit Edible fruit that grows on the stem or branch of a tree, such as apples, pears, grapes, chestnuts, etc.


제철 과일.
seasonal fruit.
과일껍질을 깎다.
peel the fruit
나는 과수원의 나무에서 갓 따 낸 신선한 과일을 먹었다.
I ate fresh fruit freshly picked from the trees in the orchard.
지수는 과일 중에서 달콤하고 상큼한 오렌지를 제일 좋아한다.
Among the fruits, Jisoo likes the sweet and refreshing orange the most.


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