Galbitang in Korean: 갈비탕’s meaning and pronunciation

Galbitang in Korean, 갈비탕 meaningGalbitang in Korean is 갈비탕. For examples, you can use like [갈비탕을 먹다, 갈비탕을 좋아하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 갈비탕 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
갈비탕 noun 갈비 湯갈비 湯 갈비탕

갈비탕 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
galbitang Beef rib soup, made by boiling short beef ribs for long hours.


갈비탕을 먹다.
eat galbi-tang
갈비탕을 좋아하다.
I like galbi-tang.
그는 자기 갈비탕에 갈비가 얼마 안 들어 있다며 투덜거렸다.
He complained that his rib soup had few ribs in it.
고기가 들어간 국이 먹고 싶어서 갈비탕을 한 그릇 사 먹었다.
I wanted to eat soup with meat, so I bought a bowl of galbitang and ate it.


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