Gimchi in Korean: 김치’s meaning and pronunciation

Gimchi in Korean, 김치 meaningGimchi in Korean is 김치. For examples, you can use like [매운 김치, 김치를 담그다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 김치 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
김치 noun 김치

김치 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
gimchi; kimchi A staple of the Korean diet made by salting vegetables such as napa cabbages, white radishes, etc., and seasoning and fermenting them.


매운 김치.
Spicy Kimchi.
김치를 담그다.
Make Kimchi.
어머니는 묵은 김치로 맛있는 찌개를 끓여 주셨다.
My mother made a delicious stew with aged kimchi.
한국에서는 보통 끼니 때마다 늘 김치 반찬이 밥상에 올라온다.
In Korea, a side dish of kimchi is always on the table at every meal.


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