Gratitude in Korean: 감사’s meaning and pronunciation

Gratitude in Korean, 감사 meaningGratitude in Korean is 감사. For examples, you can use like [깊은 감사, 심심한 감사]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 감사 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
감사 noun 感謝感謝 감ː사

감사 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
gratitude; appreciation; thanks An act of feeling thankful for something, or such a mind.


깊은 감사.
deep thanks.
심심한 감사.
heartfelt thanks.
항상 저를 보살펴 주신 선생님께 감사의 말씀을 드립니다.
I would like to thank my teacher for always taking care of me.
나는 나를 도와준 많은 분들에게 감사의 마음을 담아 인사를 했다.
I would like to express my gratitude to the many people who helped me.


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