Green in Korean: 녹색’s meaning and pronunciation

Green in Korean, 녹색 meaningGreen in Korean is 녹색. For examples, you can use like [짙은 녹색, 녹색 물감]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 녹색 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
녹색 noun 綠色綠色 녹쌕

녹색 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
green The color of grass or tree leaves.


짙은 녹색.
dark green.
녹색 물감.
green paint.
여름이 다가오자 공원의 나무는 온통 녹색으로 물들었다.
As summer approaches, the trees in the park turn green.
나는 거실 벽을 옅은 녹색으로 칠해 숲속에 있는 듯한 느낌을 주었다.
I painted the living room wall a pale green to give it the feeling of being in the woods.


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