Guk in Korean: 국’s meaning and pronunciation

Guk in Korean, 국 meaningGuk in Korean is 국. For examples, you can use like [뜨거운 국, 시원한 국]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 국 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

국 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
guk soup: A dish made by boiling meat, fish or vegetables in a lot of water.


뜨거운 국.
hot soup.
시원한 국.
cool soup.
유민은 몇 가지 반찬과 국 한 그릇으로 저녁 식사를 한 후 산책을 나갔다.
After dinner with a few side dishes and a bowl of soup, Yu-min went out for a walk.
밥상 위에는 하얀 쌀밥과 뜨거운 콩나물 국이 차려져 있었다.
White rice and hot bean sprout soup were served on the table.


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