Health in Korean: 건강’s meaning and pronunciation

Health in Korean, 건강 meaningHealth in Korean is 건강. For examples, you can use like [정신 건강, 건강 검진]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 건강 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
건강 noun 健康健康 건ː강

건강 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
health; wellbeing A state of body and mind that is robust with no illness.


정신 건강.
mental health.
건강 검진.
Health screenings.
의사는 일 년에 한 번씩은 꼭 건강 검진을 받으라고 했다.
The doctor told me to go for a medical check-up once a year.
김 과장은 술 때문에 건강을 해친 뒤로 가능하면 술자리를 피한다.
Manager Kim avoids drinking as much as possible after his health has been compromised by alcohol.


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