Hen in Korean: 닭’s meaning and pronunciation

Hen in Korean, 닭 meaningHen in Korean is 닭. For examples, you can use like [닭 모이, 닭이 울다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 닭 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

닭 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
hen A big bird unable to fly that is raised on a farm since it lays eggs frequently and its meat tastes good.


닭 모이.
chicken feed.
닭이 울다.
chicken crows
아버지는 알과 고기를 팔 생각으로 닭을 기르기 시작하셨다.
My father started raising chickens with the intention of selling eggs and meat.
어머니는 오랜만에 고향을 찾은 아들 내외에게 닭을 잡아 요리를 해 주셨다.
Her mother caught and cooked chickens for her sons and daughters who visited her hometown after a long absence.


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