Husband in Korean: 남편’s meaning and pronunciation

Husband in Korean, 남편 meaningHusband in Korean is 남편. For examples, you can use like [내 남편, 남편을 내조하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 남편 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
남편 noun 男便男便 남편

남편 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
husband The man of a married couple.


내 남편.
my husband.
남편을 내조하다.
my husband.
그녀는 남편과 이혼하고 오 년째 혼자 살고 있다.
She divorced her husband and has been living alone for five years.
아내와 남편이 서로 사랑하고 존중할 때 행복한 가정이 이루어진다.
A happy family is created when a wife and husband love and respect each other.


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