If So in Korean: 그럼’s meaning and pronunciation

If So in Korean, 그럼 meaningIf So in Korean is 그럼. For examples, you can use like [그럼, 그럼 다음에 만나]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 그럼 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
그럼 adverb 그럼

그럼 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
if so; in that case A word used when the following statement is conditional upon the preceding one.


Wondering what the secret is? Then I’ll just let you know.
그럼 다음에 만나.
Then see you next time
선생님께서 안 계세요? 그럼 내일 다시 올게요.
Is your teacher not there? Then I’ll come back tomorrow.
이 약을 일주일만 먹어 보세요 그럼 병이 나을 거예요.
Just take this medicine for a week and you will get better.


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