Internal Department in Korean: 내과’s meaning and pronunciation

Internal Department in Korean, 내과 meaningInternal Department in Korean is 내과. For examples, you can use like [내과 병원, 내과 의사]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 내과 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
내과 noun 內科內科 내ː꽈

내과 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
internal department A field of medical science that treats diseases of internal organs usually with medicine, or the department of the hospital that is in charge of the field.


내과 병원.
medical hospital.
내과 의사.
나는 소화가 잘 안 돼 내과에 가서 진찰을 받았다.
I had indigestion and went to the internal medicine clinic for examination.
할머니께서는 호흡을 할 때 가슴에 통증이 생겨 내과에 입원을 하셨다.
Her grandmother suffered from chest pain when breathing and was admitted to her internal medicine clinic.


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