Joke in Korean: 농담’s meaning and pronunciation

Joke in Korean, 농담 meaningJoke in Korean is 농담. For examples, you can use like [농담을 던지다, 농담이 심하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 농담 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
농담 noun 弄談弄談 농ː담

농담 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
joke A remark intended to make fun of someone or to make people laugh.


농담을 던지다.
throw a joke
농담이 심하다.
the joke is serious
유민은 농담이라고 한 말이었지만 재미있지도 않고 기분만 나빠지는 말이었다.
Yu-min said it was a joke, but it wasn’t funny and only made him feel bad.
나는 농담 반 진담 반으로 시험에 붙으면 동네 사람들에게 밥을 사겠다고 했다.
I was half joking and half serious and said that if I passed the test, I would buy food from the locals.


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