Joy in Korean: 기쁨’s meaning and pronunciation

Joy in Korean, 기쁨 meaningJoy in Korean is 기쁨. For examples, you can use like [큰 기쁨, 기쁨과 슬픔]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기쁨 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기쁨 noun 기쁨

기쁨 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
joy A very good and pleasant feeling.


큰 기쁨.
기쁨과 슬픔.
joy and sorrow.
민준이는 대회에서 상을 탄 기쁨을 가족들과 함께 나누었다.
Minjun shared the joy of winning the prize with his family.
나는 합격 소식을 듣고 기쁨에 겨워서 덩실덩실 춤을 추었다.
When I heard the news of my acceptance, I was overjoyed and danced.


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