Kalguksu in Korean: 칼국수’s meaning and pronunciation

Kalguksu in Korean, 칼국수 meaningKalguksu in Korean is 칼국수. For examples, you can use like [바지락 칼국수, 버섯 칼국수]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 칼국수 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
칼국수 noun 칼국쑤

칼국수 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
kalguksu A Korean noodle made by flattening the dough as thin as possible and cutting it into long strips with a knife; or a soup made by boiling them with other ingredients in a broth.


바지락 칼국수.
Clam Kalguksu.
버섯 칼국수.
Mushroom Kalguksu.


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