Living Room in Korean: 거실’s meaning and pronunciation

Living Room in Korean, 거실 meaningLiving Room in Korean is 거실. For examples, you can use like [거실에 모이다, 거실에 앉다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 거실 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
거실 noun 居室居室 거실

거실 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
living room The central room in a western house, where family members spend time together or talk with visitors.


거실에 모이다.
Gather in the living room
거실에 앉다.
sit in the living room
우리는 식사를 끝낸 뒤 거실에 모여 과일을 먹었다.
After we finished eating, we gathered in the living room to eat fruit.
아이들은 텔레비전을 보려고 방에서 나와 거실에 앉았다.
The children left the room to watch TV and sat down in the living room.


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