Meantime in Korean: 그동안’s meaning and pronunciation

Meantime in Korean, 그동안 meaningMeantime in Korean is 그동안. For examples, you can use like [그동안 많이 자라다, 그동안 연락이 없다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 그동안 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
그동안 noun 그동안

그동안 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
meantime; meanwhile The previously-mentioned period, or a certain period of time before one sees or contacts someone again.


그동안 많이 자라다.
Growing up a lot during that time.
그동안 연락이 없다.
So far no contact
그동안 절판되었던 책이 다시 출간되었다.
A book that was out of print has been republished.
아이는 잃어버렸던 엄마를 만나니 그동안 겪었던 모든 설움이 사라지는 것 같았다.
When the child met her lost mother, it seemed that all the sorrows she had been experiencing had disappeared.


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