Meat in Korean: 고기’s meaning and pronunciation

Meat in Korean, 고기 meaningMeat in Korean is 고기. For examples, you can use like [맛있는 고기, 얼린 고기]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 고기 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
고기 noun 고기

고기 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
meat The flesh of animals that is eaten as food.


맛있는 고기.
delicious meat.
얼린 고기.
frozen meat.
요즘은 건강을 위해 고기보다 야채를 먹으려는 사람들이 많아졌다.
These days, more and more people are choosing to eat vegetables rather than meat for their health.
고기는 싱싱한 상추에 마늘, 고추와 함께 한입 가득 싸 먹어야 제맛이다.
The meat tastes best when eaten with fresh lettuce, garlic, and red pepper.


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