Memory in Korean: 기억’s meaning and pronunciation

Memory in Korean, 기억 meaningMemory in Korean is 기억. For examples, you can use like [옛 기억, 아련한 기억]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기억 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기억 noun 記憶記憶 기억

기억 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
memory The act of not forgetting or recalling past figures, facts, knowledge or experiences.


옛 기억.
old memories.
아련한 기억.
painful memories.
우리 할머니는 내가 다섯 살 때 돌아가셔서 나에게는 희미한 기억으로만 남아 계신다.
My grandmother died when I was five, and she remains only a vague memory of me.
수많은 사람들이 지켜보는 무대 위에 오르니 방금 전까지 줄줄 외우던 노래 가사가 기억이 나지 않았다.
When I got on stage with a lot of people watching, I couldn’t remember the lyrics of the song I had just memorized.


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