Mirror in Korean: 거울’s meaning and pronunciation

Mirror in Korean, 거울 meaningMirror in Korean is 거울. For examples, you can use like [대형 거울, 거울을 깨다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 거울 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
거울 noun 거울

거울 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
mirror A thin, flat object reflecting the appearance of an object or person.


대형 거울.
large mirror.
거울을 깨다.
break the mirror
거울에 비친 남자의 모습이 행복해 보였다.
The reflection of the man in the mirror looked happy.
나는 거울 앞에 서서 거울 속의 나를 바라보았다.
I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself in the mirror.


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