Money in Korean: 돈’s meaning and pronunciation

Money in Korean, 돈 meaningMoney in Korean is 돈. For examples, you can use like [많은 돈, 힘들게 번 돈]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 돈 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
noun 돈ː

돈 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
money A coin or bill that is exchanged when trading goods or labor.


많은 돈.
Much money.
힘들게 번 돈.
worked to make money.
아이는 길에서 돈을 잃어버렸다고 울며 엄마에게 달려갔다.
The child ran to her mother, crying that she had lost her money on her way.
나중에 돈이 좀 생기면 갚을 생각으로 우선 그에게 이번 달 생활비를 빌렸다.
I borrowed the living expenses from him first this month, hoping to pay it back when I have some money.


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