Month in Korean: 개월’s meaning and pronunciation

Month in Korean, 개월 meaningMonth in Korean is 개월. For examples, you can use like [삼 개월, 생후 이십사 개월]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 개월 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
개월 dependent noun 個月個月 개월

개월 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
month A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting the number of months.


삼 개월.
three months.
생후 이십사 개월.
twenty-four months of age.
언니는 아이를 가진 지 십 개월 만에 예쁜 딸을 낳았다.
Ten months after her sister had her child, she gave birth to a pretty daughter.
나는 일월부터 삼월까지 삼 개월 동안 외국어를 배웠다.
I learned a foreign language for three months from January to March.


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