Month in Korean: 달’s meaning and pronunciation

Month in Korean, 달 meaningMonth in Korean is 달. For examples, you can use like [두 달, 두세 달]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 달 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
dependent noun

달 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
month A bound noun that serves as a unit for counting one of 12 divisions of a year.


두 달.
two months.
두세 달.
two or three months.
민준은 여름 방학 두 달 동안 영어 공부를 열심히 했다.
Minjun studied English hard for two months during summer break.
신입 사원인 승규는 입사한 지 한 달이 지난 후에 첫 월급을 받았다.
As a new employee, Seung-gyu received his first salary a month after joining the company.


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