Mood in Korean: 기분’s meaning and pronunciation

Mood in Korean, 기분 meaningMood in Korean is 기분. For examples, you can use like [개운한 기분, 불쾌한 기분]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기분 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기분 noun 氣分氣分 기분

기분 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
mood; feelings The state of one’s emotion such as displeasure, pleasure, gloom, anger, etc.


개운한 기분.
feel good.
불쾌한 기분.
unpleasant feeling.
하룻밤에 모든 것을 잃은 승규는 암담한 기분이 되어 집으로 돌아왔다.
Seung-gyu, who lost everything in one night, returned home in a dark mood.
우리는 드디어 모든 일을 끝냈다는 뿌듯한 기분에 오늘 하루는 편히 쉬기로 했다.
We decided to take a rest today, feeling proud that we had finally finished everything.


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