Nationality in Korean: 국적’s meaning and pronunciation

Nationality in Korean, 국적 meaningNationality in Korean is 국적. For examples, you can use like [대한민국 국적, 국적이 없다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 국적 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
국적 noun 國籍國籍 국쩍

국적 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
nationality; citizenship A status which qualifies someone to come under the official jurisdiction of a country.


대한민국 국적.
Korean nationality.
국적이 없다.
no nationality
저는 미국 국적이지만 쭉 캐나다에서 생활했어요.
Although I am an American citizen, I have lived in Canada all the time.
민준은 프랑스에서 태어났지만 한국 국적을 취득했기 때문에 얼마 전 군에 입대했다.
Minjun was born in France, but since he acquired Korean citizenship, he enlisted in the military not long ago.


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