Neighborhood in Korean: 동네’s meaning and pronunciation

Neighborhood in Korean, 동네 meaningNeighborhood in Korean is 동네. For examples, you can use like [산골 동네, 같은 동네]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 동네 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
동네 noun 洞 네洞 네 동ː네

동네 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
neighborhood An area where many houses are gathered.


산골 동네.
mountain village.
같은 동네.
same neighborhood.
승규는 인사성이 밝아 동네 어른들에게 예의 바른 아이라고 칭찬을 듣는다.
Seung-gyu has a bright personality and is praised by local adults for being a polite child.
어머니는 내가 이번 시험에서 일등을 했다고 동네 여기저기 자랑하고 다녔다.
My mother bragged all over the town that I had won first place in this exam.


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