News in Korean: 뉴스’s meaning and pronunciation

News  in Korean, 뉴스 meaningNews in Korean is 뉴스. For examples, you can use like [라디오 뉴스, 마감 뉴스]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 뉴스 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
뉴스 noun newsnews 0

뉴스 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
news A broadcast program that delivers new reports.


라디오 뉴스.
radio news.
마감 뉴스.
Closing news.
전국적으로 태풍으로 인한 피해가 크다는 소식이 뉴스를 통해 보도되었다.
The news that the damage caused by the typhoon is huge nationwide was reported through the news.
텔레비전 화면에는 앵커 둘이 나란히 앉아 뉴스를 진행하는 모습이 보였다.
On the television screen, two anchors were seen sitting side by side and broadcasting the news.


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