Noodle in Korean: 국수’s meaning and pronunciation

Noodle in Korean, 국수 meaningNoodle in Korean is 국수. For examples, you can use like [국수 한 그릇, 국수 가닥]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 국수 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
국수 noun 국쑤

국수 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
noodle Food made by kneading wheat flour, buckwheat, potatoes, etc. and cutting the dough into long thin strips with a knife, machine, or by hand, or a dish made by boiling this.


국수 한 그릇.
A bowl of noodles.
국수 가닥.
noodle strands.
국수를 좋아하는 동생은 여름이면 냉면을 즐겨 먹는다.
My younger brother, who likes noodles, enjoys eating naengmyeon in the summer.
어머니는 맑은 멸치 국물에 삶은 국수에 김치를 얹어서 주셨다.
Her mother gave her boiled noodles in clear anchovy broth, topped with kimchi.


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