Notebook in Korean: 공책’s meaning and pronunciation

Notebook in Korean, 공책 meaningNotebook in Korean is 공책. For examples, you can use like [공책 한 권, 공책을 꺼내다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 공책 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
공책 noun 空冊空冊 공책

공책 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
notebook A book of blank or lined paper to write or draw on.


공책 한 권.
one notebook.
공책을 꺼내다.
take out the notebook
학생들은 선생님이 칠판에 쓴 내용을 공책에 적었다.
The students wrote in their notebooks what the teacher had written on the blackboard.
나는 평소 공책에 정리해 둔 내용을 중심으로 시험공부를 하였다.
I studied for the exam focusing on the contents I usually put together in my notebook.


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