Others in Korean: 남’s meaning and pronunciation

Others in Korean, 남 meaningOthers in Korean is 남. For examples, you can use like [남의 눈치, 남을 배려하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 남 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

남 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
others; another person A person other than me.


남의 눈치.
eyes of others.
남을 배려하다.
be considerate of others.
나보다 남을 더 생각하는 지수는 봉사 활동을 열심히 한다.
Jisoo, who thinks of others more than me, does volunteer work hard.
우리 언니는 항상 남에게 관심을 가지고 도와주려고 노력한다.
My older sister is always interested in her others and tries to help.


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