Paternal Aunt in Korean: 고모’s meaning and pronunciation

Paternal Aunt in Korean, 고모 meaningPaternal Aunt in Korean is 고모. For examples, you can use like [막내 고모, 우리 고모]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 고모 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
고모 noun 姑母姑母 고모

고모 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
paternal aunt A word used to refer to or address the sister of one’s father.


막내 고모.
youngest aunt.
우리 고모.
our aunt
우리 아버지에게는 여자 형제가 없어서 나는 고모가 없다.
My father doesn’t have a sister, so I don’t have an aunt.
고모 댁에 놀러 가면 어린 고종사촌들이 놀아 달라고 졸랐다.
When I went to my aunt’s house to play, my younger cousins ​​begged me to play.


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