Persimmon in Korean: 감’s meaning and pronunciation

Persimmon in Korean, 감 meaningPersimmon in Korean is 감. For examples, you can use like [감이 떫다, 감을 말린다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 감 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
noun 감ː

감 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
persimmon An orange-colored, round or roundish flat fruit, which is astringent when unripe but sweet when ripe.


감이 떫다.
Persimmons are astringent.
감을 말린다.
dry the persimmon
할아버지는 빨갛게 익은 감을 직접 따서 우리에게 주셨다.
My grandfather picked ripe red persimmons and gave them to us.
떫은 감은 말려서 곶감을 만들면 떫은맛은 사라지고 단맛만 남게 된다.
If you dry astringent persimmons to make dried persimmons, the astringent taste disappears and only the sweetness remains.


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