Play in Korean: 놀다’s meaning and pronunciation

Play in Korean, 놀다 meaningPlay in Korean is 놀다. For examples, you can use like [아이들이 놀다, 공원에서 놀다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 놀다 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
놀다 verb 놀ː다

놀다 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
play; have fun To have a good time while playing.


아이들이 놀다.
children play
공원에서 놀다.
play in the park
어머니가 종일 놀기만 하는 아들에게 공부하라고 말했다.
He told his mother to study with her son, who plays all day.
초등학생들이 겨울 방학을 맞아 언덕에서 눈썰매를 타고 놀았다.
Elementary school students played snow sleds on the hill during winter vacation.

How to Conjugate 놀다

① Formal High (합니다체)

Present    놉니다
Past    놀았습니다
Past Perfect    놀았었습니다
Future    놀 것입니다
Condition    놀겠습니다

② Informal High (해요체)

Present    놀아요
Past    놀았어요
Past Perfect    놀았었어요
Future    놀 것이에요
Condition    놀겠어요

③ Informal Low (해체)

Present    놀아
Past    놀았어
Past Perfect    놀았었어
Future    놀 것이야
Condition    놀겠어

④ Formal Low (한다체)

Present    논다
Past    놀았다
Past Perfect    놀았었다
Future    놀 것이다
Condition    놀겠다


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