Police Station in Korean: 경찰서’s meaning and pronunciation

Police Station in Korean, 경찰서 meaningPolice Station in Korean is 경찰서. For examples, you can use like [관할 경찰서, 지역 경찰서]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 경찰서 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
경찰서 noun 警察署警察署 경ː찰써

경찰서 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
police station A government office responsible for the police administration of a region.


관할 경찰서.
competent police station.
지역 경찰서.
local police station.
나는 길을 잃은 어린아이를 경찰서에 데려다 주었다.
I took the lost child to the police station.
형은 지나가는 사람과 싸우다가 경찰서에 불려 가 조사를 받았다.
The older brother had a fight with a passerby and was called to the police station for questioning.


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