Price in Korean: 값’s meaning and pronunciation

Price in Korean, 값 meaningPrice in Korean is 값. For examples, you can use like [비싼 값에 팔다, 값이 비싸다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 값 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound

값 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
price The amount of money for which an item was sold, indicating its value in the marketplace.


비싼 값에 팔다.
sell at a high price
값이 비싸다.
이 식당의 음식은 값도 싸고 맛도 있어 손님들에게 인기가 많다.
The food at this restaurant is cheap and delicious, so it is popular with customers.
식구가 많은 우리 가족은 이왕 같은 값이라면 질이 좋은 것보다는 양이 많은 제품을 샀다.

My family with a lot of family bought products in quantity rather than quality at the same price.


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