Refrigerator in Korean is 냉장고. For examples, you can use like [가정용 냉장고, 대형 냉장고]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 냉장고 along with examples.
Word | Part | Chinese | Sound |
냉장고 | noun | 冷藏庫冷藏庫 | 냉ː장고 |
냉장고 Meaning
Meaning | Explanation |
refrigerator; fridge | A box-shaped machine used to store food at a low temperature in order to keep it cold or to prevent it from going bad. |
가정용 냉장고. |
home refrigerator. |
대형 냉장고. |
large refrigerator. |
동생은 부엌으로 들어가 냉장고에서 빵과 과일을 꺼내 먹고 방으로 들어갔다. |
The younger brother went into the kitchen, took bread and fruit from the refrigerator, ate and went into the room. |
냉장고가 갑자기 고장이 나는 바람에 냉장고 안의 음식들이 모두 상하게 생겼다. |
The refrigerator suddenly broke down and all the food in the refrigerator was spoiled. |