Reporter in Korean: 기자’s meaning and pronunciation

Reporter in Korean, 기자 meaningReporter in Korean is 기자. For examples, you can use like [방송 기자, 사진 기자]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 기자 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
기자 noun 記者記者 기자

기자 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
reporter; journalist A person whose job it is to do research, write or edit articles for newspapers, magazines, broadcasts, etc.


방송 기자.
broadcast reporter.
사진 기자.
photo journalist.
사건의 취재를 끝낸 기자는 신문사로 돌아와 기사를 작성하였다.
When the reporter finished covering the case, he returned to the newspaper and wrote an article.
인기 가수의 인터뷰 장소는 취재를 하려는 기자들로 가득하였다.
The interview area of ​​the popular singer was full of reporters who wanted to cover the story.


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