River in Korean: 강’s meaning and pronunciation

River in Korean, 강 meaningRiver in Korean is 강. For examples, you can use like [죽음의 강, 깊은 강]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 강 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
noun 江江

강 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
river A wide, long stream reaching the sea.


죽음의 강.
river of death.
깊은 강.
deep river.
다리가 공사 중이라 강을 건너려면 배를 타야 했다.
The bridge was under construction, so you had to take a boat to cross the river.
승규는 강을 따라 난 도로를 운전하면서 창문 밖으로 보이는 경치를 감상했다.
Seung-gyu admired the scenery outside the window while driving the road along the river.


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