Run in Korean: 달리기’s meaning and pronunciation

Run in Korean, 달리기 meaningRun in Korean is 달리기. For examples, you can use like [가벼운 달리기, 달리기 연습]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 달리기 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
달리기 noun 달리기

달리기 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
run The act of running by continuously moving two feet fast.


가벼운 달리기.
light running.
달리기 연습.
running practice.
나는 아침 운동 겸 공원에서 달리기를 했다.
I did a morning exercise and a run in the park.
동생은 심장이 약해서 조금만 달리기를 해도 금방 숨이 찬다.
My brother has a weak heart, so even if he runs a little, he quickly gets out of breath.


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