Sauce Pan in Korean: 냄비’s meaning and pronunciation

Sauce Pan in Korean, 냄비 meaningSauce Pan in Korean is 냄비. For examples, you can use like [냄비 뚜껑, 냄비에 끓이다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 냄비 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
냄비 noun 냄비

냄비 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
sauce pan A container, smaller than a caldron. which has a lid and two handles and is used in the kitchen to cook food.


냄비 뚜껑.
pot lid.
냄비에 끓이다.
Boil in a pot.
공부를 하다 출출해진 승규는 야식으로 냄비에 라면을 끓여 먹었다.
Seung-gyu, who went out while studying, boiled ramen in a pot for a late-night snack.
방금까지 끓인 뜨거운 냄비를 냄비 받침도 없이 상에 놓았더니 상이 까맣게 타 버렸다.
When I put the hot pot I had just boiled on the table without the pot stand, the table was charred.


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