Season in Korean: 계절’s meaning and pronunciation

Season in Korean, 계절 meaningSeason in Korean is 계절. For examples, you can use like [새로운 계절, 계절이 바뀌다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 계절 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
계절 noun 季節季節 계ː절/게ː절

계절 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
season One of four divisions of a year distinguished by natural phenomena, which are spring, summer, fall, and winter.


새로운 계절.
new season.
계절이 바뀌다.
The seasons change.
이른 봄철은 황사가 오는 계절이다.
Early spring is the season of yellow dust.
요즘처럼 낙엽이 지는 계절에는 괜히 우울한 기분이 든다.
In the season when the leaves are falling like these days, I feel depressed for nothing.


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