September in Korean: 구월’s meaning and pronunciation

September in Korean, 구월 meaningSeptember in Korean is 구월. For examples, you can use like [구월 초순, 구월 중순]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 구월 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
구월 noun 九月九月 구월

구월 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
September The ninth month of a year, out of twelve months.


구월 초순.
early September.
구월 중순.
우리 학교는 구월 일 일에 개강을 한다.
Our school starts on the first day of September.
구월이 되니 낮에는 여전히 더웠지만 밤에는 선선한 바람이 불었다.

In September, it was still hot during the day, but a cool breeze blew at night.


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