Six in Korean: 여섯’s meaning and pronunciation

Six in Korean, 여섯 meaningSix in Korean is 여섯. For examples, you can use like [열에서 여섯을 빼면 넷이 된다, 다섯 살이던 아이는 올해 여섯이 된다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 여섯 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
여섯 수사 여섣

여섯 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
six The number that is the sum of five and one.


열에서 여섯을 빼면 넷이 된다.
Subtract six from ten to get four.
다섯 살이던 아이는 올해 여섯이 된다.
The child who was five years old will turn six this year.


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