Sixty in Korean: 예순’s meaning and pronunciation

Sixty in Korean, 예순 meaningSixty in Korean is 예순. For examples, you can use like [학생들은 예순 정도 운동장에 모였다, 어머니는 나이 예순을 넘겨 머리카락이 희끗희끗해졌다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 예순 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
예순 수사 예순

예순 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
sixty The number that is the product of six times ten.


학생들은 예순 정도 운동장에 모였다.
The students gathered on the playground for about sixty years.
어머니는 나이 예순을 넘겨 머리카락이 희끗희끗해졌다.
Her mother was over sixty and her hair had turned white.


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