Smell in Korean: 냄새’s meaning and pronunciation

Smell in Korean, 냄새 meaningSmell in Korean is 냄새. For examples, you can use like [고기 냄새, 곰팡이 냄새]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 냄새 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
냄새 noun 냄ː새

냄새 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
smell; scent; odor The trait of something the nose can sense.


고기 냄새.
the smell of meat.
곰팡이 냄새.
moldy smell.
들판에 바람이 부니 풀 냄새가 난다.
The wind blows in the field and it smells like grass.
아내는 내가 선물로 준 꽃의 냄새를 맡아 보았다.
Her wife smelled the flowers I gave her as a gift.


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