Snack in Korean: 과자’s meaning and pronunciation

Snack in Korean, 과자 meaningSnack in Korean is 과자. For examples, you can use like [과자 한 봉지, 과자를 먹다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 과자 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
과자 noun 菓子菓子 과자

과자 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
snack Snacks baked or fried by mixing milk, sugar, etc., into flour or rice powder.


과자 한 봉지.
A bag of sweets.
과자를 먹다.
eat sweets
승규는 과자를 좋아해서 매일 간식으로 사 먹는다.
Seung-gyu likes sweets, so he buys them as a snack every day.
소풍 가는 유민이의 가방에는 과자가 가득 들어 있었다.
On a picnic, Yu-min’s bag was full of sweets.


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