Soldier in Korean: 군인’s meaning and pronunciation

Soldier in Korean, 군인 meaningSoldier in Korean is 군인. For examples, you can use like [무장 군인, 외국 군인]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 군인 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
군인 noun 軍人軍人 구닌

군인 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
soldier A person belonging to the military, who is trained to handle weapons and is given missions.


무장 군인.
armed soldier.
외국 군인.
foreign soldiers.
나는 나라를 지키는 군인들에게 고마운 마음을 가지고 있다.
I am grateful to the soldiers who protect my country.
입대하고 첫 휴가를 나온 아들은 씩씩하고 용감한 군인이 되어 있었다.

After enlisting and taking his first vacation, the son became a courageous and courageous soldier.


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