Soy Sauce in Korean: 간장’s meaning and pronunciation

Soy Sauce in Korean, 간장 meaningSoy Sauce in Korean is 간장. For examples, you can use like [묵은 간장, 간장 게장]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 간장 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
간장 noun 간 醬간 醬 간장

간장 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
soy sauce Salty, black liquid used to flavor food.


묵은 간장.
aged soy sauce.
간장 게장.
Soy Crab.
국에 간장을 너무 많이 넣었는지 국이 짰다.
The soup was too salty because there was too much soy sauce in it.
맑은국에 간장을 넣으면 색깔이 검게 되기 때문에 소금으로 간을 한다.
If you add soy sauce to clear soup, it will turn black, so season it with salt.


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