Advance ㅈ nervously in Korean: 조마조마’s meaning and pronunciation nervously in Korean is 조마조마. For examples, you can use like [조마조마 가슴을 졸이다, 조마조마 걱정하다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use nervously in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅈAdvanced WordsWordsㅈ
Advance ㅇ nervously in Korean: 안절부절’s meaning and pronunciation nervously in Korean is 안절부절. For examples, you can use like [김 씨는 아내의 수술이 끝날 때까지 수술실 앞에서 안절부절 서성거렸다, 민준이는 무슨 잘못을 저질렀는지 나만 보면 안절부절 어쩔 줄을 몰랐다]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use nervously in Korean along with examples. 2022.12.21 Advance ㅇAdvanced WordsWordsㅇ