Tangerine in Korean: 귤’s meaning and pronunciation

Tangerine in Korean, 귤 meaningTangerine in Korean is 귤. For examples, you can use like [귤 알맹이, 귤의 껍질]. In this post you will learn how to pronounce and use 귤 along with examples.


Word Part Chinese Sound
noun 橘橘

귤 Meaning

Meaning Explanation
tangerine; mandarin orange A sweet-and-sour, orange-colored, round fruit of a tangerine tree, whose skin is peeled before eating.


귤 알맹이.
Tangerine kernels.
귤의 껍질.
Tangerine peel.
이번에 사 온 귤은 아직 덜 익었는지 맛이 너무 시다.
The mandarin oranges I bought this time were not ripe yet so the taste was too sour.
우리 농장에서는 농약을 치지 않고 유기농 농법으로 귤을 재배한다.
In our farm, we grow tangerines using organic farming methods without the use of pesticides.


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